Non-Profit Leader
Empathetic Advocate
Drawing from foundational years as a marketer in Silicon Valley, Neylan McBaine brings a unique combination of audience awareness, clear communication and a sense of creative fun to her work in the non-profit, education and cause-oriented spaces.
Read Neylan’s book Pioneering the Vote
In 1895, Utah's leading suffragist, Emmeline B. Wells, welcomed her friends Susan B. Anthony and Reverend Anna Howard Shaw to a gathering of more than 8,000 people from around the nation at the Rocky Mountain Suffrage Convention. Tensions and setbacks had defined the effort to enfranchise women up until that point, but the women gathered in Utah to celebrate the suffrage movement's recent wins and strategize their next triumphs. Pioneering the Vote tells the remarkable, largely unknown story of the early suffrage victories that happened in states and territories in the American West, when the East was still decades away from the 19th Amendment. With the encouragement of the Eastern leaders, women from Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and Idaho came together in a unique moment of friendship and unified purpose to secure the vote for women in America.
“I've never read a historical book that is more interesting to me personally. My heart will forever ache for Emmeline Wells.” Janelle on Goodreads
Women at Church: Magnifying LDS Women’s Local Impact (2014)
“A monumental piece of work that comes at a time when it is sorely needed.” — This Week in Mormons
“Men need to read this book as much as the women.” — The Exponent II
“A fuller personification of the expansive LDS doctrine of women’s potential.” — Mormon Times
“Read it yourself, then give a copy to your mom, your husband, your bishop, your Relief Society president, and your best girlfriends.” — Segullah
“This book gives me a lot of reasons for hope.”
- FairMormon